Photos thirteenth litter, first week
Below are the pictures of the development of the kittens from Shifra and Dimitrov, born 18-09-2015 in their first week of life.
Berka's Jinxy:
Berka's Kisa:
Berka's Blue Sky:
Berka's Smolli:
Creme smoke with white
Red with white
18-09-2015 Nemesis is assisting Shifra with giving birth to her kittens.
She did not want to leave. Shifra was fine with it, but for me she was often in the way
the first is born and here is number two already a bit dry, searching for milk found it :-) and here is number three, she is getting her wash by mom and there is number four, what a surprise to have such a lovely red and white cow in between. Nemesis is checking the kittens and is wondering why Shifra's little cow looks like her hi hi fighting for a nipple no words needed, Nemesis is around..... f.l.t.r. (from left to right) Sky, Smolli, Kisa, Jinxy in the same order resting after the hard work 10 hour in the morning Mom is stretching her legs, so they crawl together warm and cosy. From bottom to top, Kisa, Sky, Smolli, Jinxy
and switch f.l.t.r. Jincy, Sky, Kisa, Smolli and again a pile of kittens mom is back, attack!!!!! f.l.t.r. Sky, Kisa, Jinxy, Smolli 19-09-2015 Jinxy, Creme smoke with white Kisa, Blue Blue Sky, Blue Smolli, Red with white f.l.t.r. Jinxy, Kisa, Smolli, Sky 20-09-2015 two days old, after weighing, they lie with mom next to the "box". Every day the cloth is replaced in the kittenbox, and so you need to be on the side. f.l.t.r. Sky, Smolli, Jinxy, Kisa Together with Mom and the milk bar, it's no problem ;-) f.l.t.r. Sky, Smolli, Kisa, Jinxy and watch the feet of Smolli such lovely view of those little feet.
we zoomed in on the feet, but without it being the intention, you also can see he is a male, no doubt about it ;-)they switched places again, Sky, Kisa, Smolli, Jinxy. The difference between the two females can be hard to see on the pictures. In their weight, there is still some difference. But the difference in the ghostmarking makes it always clear to me. On the left kitten (Sky) shows distinct straight mackerel stripes. On Kisa the lines are more irregular.
These ghostmarks will increasingly blurred. You see this often/always in solid kittens (kittens without tabby pattern). With red, the ghost marks are more visible than with black, or diluted colors.f.l.t.r. Sky, Smolli, Jinxy, Kisa I always shoot lots of pictures, and I have some trouble choosing. So a lot almost the same, but still a bit different then the other. f.l.t.r. Kisa, Smolli, Sky (under Smolli) and Jinxy same order. To help you (and me) I have marked Sky with some purple nail polish on her left rear feet. If you look close, maybe you see it. And also the stripe of purple she made on the tail of kitten 1 hi hi 23-09-2015 This is our kitten stay, now covered by a blanket for rest, because Shifra doesn't like it, when Fleur (Chihuahua) bounces in front of the plexiglass all the time. She really wants to look at the kittens (and eat the kibble ;-)
Dit is in de doos, dat is waar het feest is (op Shifra's buik poesje 3, onder de voetzool pooesje 2, en katertje 1 ligt er dwars onder door) ze krioelen lekker door elkaar, hier zie je katertje 1 zijn hoofd tussen alle lijfjes omhoog kijken, en "Bob" zoals onze dochter het rood witte katertje noemt, is ook weer opzoek naar een nieuwe melkbron eten, slapen en al donderjagen links poesje 3 rechts poesje 2 ze groeien gestaagd, en zijn heerlijk tevreden Als mams bij ze komt, na een wandelingetje, dan hoor je lekker piepen, ze worden wakker van de beweging en het likken, en herkennen Shifra natuurlijk meteen. Dan wordt er een aanval gedaan op de melkbar, en is er weer rust hi hi.
Op de laatste twee foto's moet ik even bekennen dat ik het ook niet meer weet wie van de poesjes wie is......